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Asian Healthcare Leaders Community

Asian Healthcare Leaders Community

within the Washington Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives. We are a multidisciplinary group of Asian American healthcare professionals in Washington State, representing all areas of the healthcare industry, including Medicine, Law, Healthcare Administration, Quality & Patient Safety, Nursing, and Public Health Policy & Advocacy.

Our Mission

To create a safe, open environment for AAPI professionals and leaders in healthcare to come together and discuss important topics impacting our communities, as well as our own careers as we navigate through a field predominantly lacking in Asian American representation. We aim to organize events and share resources and opportunities for personal and professional growth to all of our AHLC members, in various healthcare settings and at all career stages!

Connect With Us

Find us on LinkedIn and Facebook! If you would like to be more involved, please use our contact form and we would love to connect!

What it means to be an Asian Healthcare Leader, First Zoom Event post-COVID, 2020

2021 education event highlighting Asian Women in Healthcare Leadership

We are 48,000 members strong. Join healthcare leaders from across the country and around the world, dedicated to improving health for their patients and in their communities.


We Greatly Appreciate the Support of Our Sponsors

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